Shadows of the Fragmented Moon is a collection of poems that attempts to unlock the wisdom of our ancient seers for the benefit of the lay folk, often eulogised for their resilience in the face of depredations of time, but actually with no one to turn to, not even the gods, for succor, mercy, and redemption, and far removed from expensive and time-consuming modern psychiatric intervention. Each poem has a hidden and unexplored facet of human trait that needs confronting to clear the path of ill-informed illusions. This collection revels in the subtle interplay between mind and consciousness, both subjects of modern scientific enquiry. What is mind? What is consciousness? Find out…

Zara’s Witness is a book of hallucinations that negotiates several streams of consciousness in a girl’s journey from infancy to adulthood along the course of a river that mirrors the universal conscience. In doing so, she also traverses the four stages of human living in line with Upanishadic tradition. In this case, reversing the trajectory of that ancient journey, our protagonist is mesmerised by evocative memories of her arrival inside a plasma bubble, her forced trudge through an enchanted forest where she confronts personal loss, and her final fulfillment in the abundance of a soul-enriching kitchen, before she migrates to the realm of the cosmic oneness.