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THE ECONOMIC TIMES / None of My Business


December 2005

Shubhrangshu Roy

The Doors. There’s the known. And there’s the unknown. And what separates the two is the door, and that’s what I want to be. Ahh wanna be th’ door…
Jim Morrison

At midlife you’re at a dead end, buddy. Johnny -come-lately just stepped into the office. And now, he’s your boss. There’s no looking back. No time to ask, “Where did I miss the bus”. Why? Because destiny willed it so.

And you better take that for an answer. You’re too old for the job. Jus’… too old to rock ‘n’ roll…too young to die…How much you craved for that rocking chair. It’s rocking Johnny right now. You bench out in the corner.

Abandoned! Abandoned or dead end? Which came first? Whichever…In the end, we all get f****. Rocking chair?

You settle into the rocking chair tonite. You empty your cigarette pack…and you reach out for the pot… and you roll a joint…and you plug in the Sony…and you slip in a disc...and you switch off the lamps...and you reach for the laptop…Then, you click on the Windows… Start… Programme… Office… Office? Uff! Betrayal. Boy, you lost out for now.

Jesus Christ Superstar. Steve Pearce on bass guitar. Pete Adams on piano. Ralph Salmins on drums… Tim Rice…Andrew Lloyd Weber…Spiritual bazaar. Or just spaced out in office…

“What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening…”
What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening…”

Your disc is on a roll. You too are on a roll. Surround sound at its loudest: “What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening”

Buzz is you’ve just been ditched. Ms Fancy Feet happened to walk out of your life.

“Every time I look at you I don’t understand
Why you let the things you did get so out of hand…
…Tell me what you think about your friends at the top
Now who d’you think besides yourself’s the pick of the crop?
Buddha was he where it’s at – is he where you are?
Could Mohammed move a mountain or was that just P.R?
Did you mean to die like that? – was that a mistake or
Did you know your messy death would be a record breaker?”
Chorus: “...Jesus Christ superstar
Do you think you’re what they say you are?”
You’ve lost it man, you tell yourself.
Jim Morrison where art thou?
There’s the known. And there’s the unknown. And what separates the two is the door and that’s what I want to be.
So, you turn to the door. It’s yesterday once more. There comes the butterfly… Flying past the door… And there glides in your gal.
“Flower. That’s what I thought you were when I sought you first. And I had to simply get the flower,” your babe tells you that.
“Poor gal, but why did you pluck the flower? Now, your flower must whither.”
“That, only time will tell,” she hums.
And time’s told its story now. Your gal’s gone forever.
It’s time now for you to come, fly instead. Thank God for the Herb.
On A Trip
I’m on a trip
The feelin’s great.
I’m away from the worries of everyday life
That haunt me.
’twas the only path I could find
Through evergreen grass that’s dry
Nurtured especially for me
To fly
At day, at night, whenever…
Far, far away from reality…
Reality bites. So, goodbye reality.
Bye bye life. Bye bye happiness
Hello loneliness...
Bye…bye… bye…
And there I am at the door. Lonely, forever.

Or am I so lonely, after all? For I see myself out there. In you and you and you. I see myself in my boss…in my gal. I see myself in the father of the child. In the child of the father. I see myself in the oneness of all.

There, yesterday. Here, today. And there, tomorrow.
Kal kal tha; aaj aaj hai.

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